Yes, it is time to analyze your team to see where the weakness lies to improve next year. IMO I have a very good team, but they tend to melt down after the All-Star break and I don't have a complete answer.
I looked at the hitting stats, pretty dismal. At home, if it wasn't for Tapies, I had almost no offense. On the road was much better in the offensive measure, not much, but better. I examined the stadiums and most had the same likeness for the most part, pluses in the HR department as opposed to my neutral. I looked for a new stadium and found two available that could be considered and my hitting would love them. I don't think my pitching staff is up to the task at either one though, so that is out. Sounds funny doesn't it? They pitch better in plus parks also which I have never figured out but I won't move to one. Besides, I want to stay in Cleveland. The biggest surprise was Max Crede, he did a good job playing as a bench warmer instead of a starter, actually better.
At least the defense is pretty good and will get better. CF is a trouble spot that may get worked out next year. I made a little test the last 10 games and it seemed to work better and shouldn't have. SS should even be better along with 2B and 3B.
I traded some vets off the pitching staff, like Chang and Saez. I always liked Saez, he never looked real good but always got the job done and I picked him off the scrap heap. Chang was having a good season before moving to Brewer land, but didn't do such a great job there. Luke, Haliday and Bush were great departures in my books. Giving up my starting catcher in Bates was tough, but I had better ones and I tried to trade them instead. I rarely trade, but I think I got good return in the end. Though the trades of Chang, Saez and Bates may have helped the spiral, but I seriously doubt it now. Losing Magnusson for the second half of the season sure didn't help. Olivares looks better on paper than actual stats. Governale, I tried to trade early but no one wanted him, turned out to be a very good closer, he could have been the FOY but never got any chances after the break. Blackwell, I didn't want to bring to the ML level this year but had no choice after all the trades.
There will be some departures next season for sure. The well liked Hunter Tomlinson will be leaving. Bonk Stinnett, who I got in a trade and maybe I should have given a chance, will be gone. Wilson House will more than likely be gone also, his stats are better than his abilities, could never figure that one out but always failed when ya needed him most. Alex Garces will be gone for sure.
I got a heavy Arb class next year and I am hoping that I can sign most of them long term and be able to pickup a FA pitcher also. That could be tough. Since most of them didn't have an outstanding season, just maybe the price will be right, yeah, uh huh.
So I have made notes in the budget for next year as a guide so I don't have to research so hard. May not stick to it as I may need to adjust here and there but it is a start.
So what caused the melt down after All-Star break? Not 100% sure actually, but has been the same for quite a while and I think I have a handle on it. I got swept by the Mets at home in the first series after the break, that was tough to swallow and shouldn't have happened Sorry keebo, that's my take on it. Took 3 or 4 from Trenton in a 2 home-away series which made me think everything was okay. Then swept by the PnBs in Atlanta, that was my last chance at making a run. Those 11 games more or less broke the team. Then I got frustrated which didn't help, didn't hurt either. I put the rat team in because most of the starters were in fatigue status. Beyond popular belief, if my players drop below 100%, they don't play at the ML level, I learned that the hard way. Basically, rest them or lose them for the season. The schedule is actually my down fall! Other than 9 games left in my division at or near the end of the season, 50 games are with the rest of the league. Unfortunately, my schedule in those 50 games are mostly with playoff teams. Matter of fact, outside of my division, only Salem and Vancouver had worse records than myself. I currently have one of the most brutal schedules there is. The only way to fix it, is to get better. With my current team the only way to get better is with pitching. I have been working on it forever and it just seems to elude me.
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