Hal Davis: Truthfully, a lot of money for a 1 year deal and his age. I think he could have been better than his stats indicate however. The D'Backs know they have pitching problems and he can help I do believe.
Graham Jensen: Also picked up by the D'Backs, but long term for a seemingly hefty price. Was the pen the problem last year?
Sammy Hitchcock: Once again, the D'Backs strive to be the team. Sammy is a good catcher with great hitting abilities. Age, health and contract is an issue I would be worried about.
Juan Redondo: Hit it off with Washington. Decent contract in reality with his potential that just hasn't really been exceptional to this point. A feared DH maybe as his catching abilities are really mediocre.
John McInerney: Good contract as he wouldn't resign for two years with the Mets, he wanted five or bust. Has lost a lot in the ability department to be viable for us. We really did want him back but... Cubs get a good lead off or two slot hitter and still has the speed, just not a seasonable gamer.
Arthur Donatello: Kansas City struck with a nemesis. He can still play CF and has power. I don't expect the hitting prowess he had in Boston.
Curtis Dunwoody: Little Rock strikes spending booocooo bucks for the first year and a potful the next four. Middle relief is important and prized, could be a five inning starter maybe. I think a good buy.
Hack Dean: Cubs strike again adding speed and hitting ability and a cheap contract. I get the impression the Cubs are surprising everyone going in a different complementary direction.
Angel Barrios: Must have been tough for the Angels to give up on their Angel. A premier lefty that really has a tough time in LA for some reason. Maybe KC will be a better home especially with the money aspect.
Jair Bennett: Rumor had that he wanted to back to Milwaukee with his whips and chains where it all began. It was the money and not his declining dick. Many will choke seeing his contract.
Apollo Metzger: Anaheim must have had another angel looking over their shoulder. Cheapskates!
Wesley Hewson: Cubs strike again helping their bullpen with a good vet. A little over priced maybe but not by much.
Guillermo Espinosa: I am not sold he can help the Braves past this year, will need to wait and see.
Paul Pecina: What were the Marlins was my question. Aged, decent filler but never really that great, but a three year deal.
Quentin Henry: Back with the cubs again, the only place he can pitch. Must be the offense.
Josh Meadows: Loves Twinkies. Good closer but if he runs into trouble needs rest.
Shannon Lyon: Cubs spend good money on a decent bench hitter?
Philip Walsh: Lot of money by the Heads upfront. Didn't they look? He was egged out of Baltimore for mediocrity.
Ron Brinkley: Philly did read the health and arrest report. Sniffing daisies in Bloom County.
Max Amaro: Ummm, makes viable sense in Vancouver. At least he won't need to ice his arm after every pitch.
Harold Adcock: Philly saw he had good seasons in Colorado so why not. Has a reputation with Craigs List ladies.
Alvin Ball: Colorado decided to replace their cock with a ball. Someone messed up the health report though or was it CB torture that got him?
Ross Banks : Memphis loves value and looks like a good deal to me.
Alcides Benitez: Vancouver spent a lot of money for hope. This could be good or bad. I lean toward good.
Sticky Russell: Boston is giving him a chance hoping it is true. He is called Sticky for many reasons, orgies and hit and run bandit just to mention a few.
Tony Mota: Boston was happy and unhappy at the same time. Got him cheap but he wouldn't sign long term.
Elrod Cedeno: Detroit thinks he has a complex they can cure. I am not sold they can stop him from losing though it was cheap enough to find out.
Frank Meluskey: So the Heads spent a ton up front then sign this guy? I am baffled.
Pedro Soto: Detroit sees Pedro as a saint. Go back to playing Saints Row that is, his stats look good for one reason.
Fausto Ramirez: Looks like Boston had a plan, buy good at rock bottom prices. Another steal.
Vance Knowles: A good choice by Vancouver, serviceable for cheap.
Boots Pierre: Yeah for the Giants. Ooops, wrong Giants. The call him boots because of his over sized foot. He has a tendency to kick baseballs thinking they are soccer balls however. Oh! and other peoples balls.
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