Monday, June 16, 2008

Pirates and the draft

Lo and Behold it is Christmas day for us, as Keebo so aptly put it. Seems amazing that as long as I have been doing drafts that I would have had so much trouble with this one that I did it three times, but I did. The last one was yesterday afternoon, took about an hour. The reason was the lack of what the organization needed or wanted. With the tenth pick (with luck, might be the highest pick I get for a while), we needed #1 starting pitching, and there was none on my board at all. Think I am joking, Keebo got the best starter on my board with the thirteenth pick. Not a bad pick, just not a #1 starter. So I went with my old standby, SS, not really a 1st round SS on my board either. I tried setting the board every which way. Nothing was to my liking, I was about to say the heck with it and set it up taking the highest pick available when a thought occurred to me. How about taking what it gives the most of, never done it that way before. Close examination revealed that the best picks at pitcher were all relievers and second was 2B, third was SS and some real good defensive catchers. Now I had to decide whether it was best to go after a 2B or pitcher. Well, as fate would have it, or to make it simple, the best 2B's were iffy picks. Made the deliberation easy after that. I chose the best reliever I thought would fit my team and hoped he would be there, was pretty confident he would be, Daniel Blackwell. And trust me on this, my third and fourth picks were no where near the stats they now display and I don't know why, but I am happy with them. Also happy with sixth and seventh pick, those two defensive catchers will be great behind the dish one day. I now have three, one will move up to Low A shortly, I only have one catcher there and will be tired soon. I just love my last three picks, they come off the myth board, one I have no way of signing, the other two will be sacking groceries after the All Star break and the DITR's are released.

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