Wednesday, February 13, 2008


American League MVP winners

Fernando Armas
Lee Crane
Fernando Armas
Fernando Armas
Fernando Armas
Dallas Payton

National League MVP winners

William Hernandez
Patsy Wheeler
Abraham Jordan
Omar Nixon
Omar Nixon
Omar Nixon

American League Cy Young winners

Sam Durbin
Sam Durbin
Britt Swindell
Britt Swindell
Chad Sanders
Charles Kinney

National LEague Cy Young winners

Dwight Johnson
Vernon Hernandez
Santiago Manto
Yamil Pulido
Yamil Pulido
Mel Wagner

AL Rookie of the Year winners

Frank Gates
Tuck Buck
Javier Benitez
Andres Domingo
Jorel Atkins
Lorenzo Sanchez

NL Rookie of the Year winers

Dwight Johnson
Patsy Wheeler
Manny Castillo
Wayne Stewart/Joey Tracy
Tony Torrealba
Sid Bryant

AL Fireman winners

Jay Dingman
Bruce Shelley
Iago Hayes
Bryan McDowell
Bryan McDowell
Bryan McDowell

NL Fireman Winners

Vic O'Donnell
Yamil Pulido
Fritz Weaver
Mitchell Ray
Mitchell Ray
Mitchell Ray

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