Saturday, May 7, 2011

EMSN International Report

Linda Loo Reporting live from the great city of LA. The surf was up and the life guards were buff..woohoo!!! Had to put my "A" game together while I talked to the newest International recruit, Welington Valenzuela. With a name like Wellington, you know he had to come from a modestly rich family and with a $7M signing bonus I figured I had to dress to the nines for this playboy. Such a powerfully handsome chap at that, made my evening for sure. Well, he grew up playing 2B but he looked much better under the stars in left field if you get my drift. He definitely has an eye for the ladies (blush) and knows what to do with those split fingers when making contact, just left me breathless (more like screaming).

Fielding: C+
Eye: B+
Splits: B+
Power: A+
Contact: B+
medical: above average

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