Sunday, April 1, 2012

International Report

With the start of Spring training so goes the scouting in International waters. For the newbies on this, just because they show up doesn't mean they are any good. You also don't have to bid on them either. Scouts are only as good as the money spent and even then they lie a little bit, sometimes a lot. Sometimes you see the good ones and sometimes you don't, kind like pot luck in that arena. Getting into a nasty bidding war for the good ones is common so hang onto your wallet. Anyway on to the news in this area.

The first IFA signed is Albert Velazquez, who signed for $1M by Dover. Even with my ugly scouting, oh wait I don't have any in the IFA market and advanced is not looking hypoallergenic either, I don't see the justification anyway, unless minor league pitching is a dire need. Control maybe good and has a deep set of above average pitches in the future but the splits look to be severely impoverished.

Albert Chavez was the second whatever he is to be taken. The Baltimore Orioles shelled out 50K for a so called 1B that disillusionment says he can't even find the locker room let alone 1B. Doesn't have the hitting prowess for a DH either. Okay, so now that ya got your feet wet...

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